As you might have guessed, this entry is going to be random.
My days are filled with a copious amount of weird ideas and my trains of thought are terrifying at best- even at the best of times. While I have been injured it has been accentuated tenfold. I am not even lying. I spend my days by myself, sometimes with my brother's dog if she isn't too scared of my crutches. I have not drawn a thing since being injured and I signed up for Luminosity, but I haven't done much on there. My days entail: sleeping, watching HGTV (Income Property is my fav- mainly because Scott is hot), listening to music and harassing anyone and I mean anyone who will talk to me. It sounds depressing, it does, but I am not depressed. Granted, I would love to be at work and seeing my customers and coworkers, but I guess this fits for now.
One thing I have been thinking about a lot lately is how choked I am with Lena Durham (spelling might not be correct). Girls is a fantastic show. I mean really fantastic. Borderline genius. Now as you can tell, I am a fan. My disdain is with the fact that Girls oddly reminds me of my life- now of course, I do not live in NY, I live with my parents, I have a job, and I am no longer in my early 20s. You might be curious where the similarities occur. Well let me tell you. This blog is not really fit for my stories of chagrin or hilarity, so I won't go into detail. Those details are to be left for my memoirs, my biography, my stand up comedy skits, or well who knows, maybe the stories I tell my children. Either way it is frightening. I sometimes wonder if in fact some of my stories would be assumed to be fiction and for all intensive purposes, I would prefer people to think that they in fact are. Anyways, Lena, good on ya. Love the show. I'll one up ya one day.
So, the above was as example of my insane train of thoughts. I'd be afraid if I were you.
I went on an excursion today. I like getting out of the house. I get to go on another one tomorrow. I get to see my best friend for coffee and a pep talk. Then I get to see the guy. The pep talk is directly related to the guy. I have been seeing someone for a little bit. I say seeing because him and I have very different ideas as to what is going on. I have no one but myself to blame for this, but it's time for me to call the shots and lay my cards on the table. I am assuming he will be calling my bluff and I will get to deal with that for the next while that I am under house arrest.
Good times. Cool beans. Fandidlytastic.
Well, enough randomness for one night. Take care. Try not to miss me. I will be back with an update, probably Monday- after PHYSIO!!!!!! Wish me luck mes amigos!
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