Tuesday, 30 April 2013

It's not you, it's me.

The above is never really true, there's no way around it.

If you're talking about relationships, they simply don't work because you're either the wrong person or you're the right person at the wrong time.

Honestly though, as I'm approaching my 29th year, I just don't care. I have gone through so many motions with relationships- I've been the bad one, the innocent and who knows what else. Now, I just don't care. This feeling is something that I have been accustomed to previously. My mom kind of looks at my brothers and I funny when I acknowledge the fact that she will probably never see any of us marry or have children. She gets really sad about it. But realistically, in this day and age where more marriages end in divorce, why would we want to try?

You might say I'm cynical or jaded, but I'm not. I believe in love and I believe in spending your life with one person and working for your relationship's health. I just haven't found a reason to do that yet. It is what it is. I'm okay with being alone. I have great friends and great family. I know that I can make myself happy and I do so on a daily basis. Maybe one day my brothers and I will find the right person at the right time, and we can be that person for someone else. But for now, it's just about me. Some people never find someone to spend their lives with. I will enjoy the experience and the ride.

Pretty random post tonight. Nothing to do with the knee actually. So sorry about that. "42 days injured" is just really becoming a lot of random ramblings... Maybe a start to the book. Who knows.

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Can't keep your mind off

Another fantastical day.

Finished the bridal shower invites with the help of one of my besties. She promptly advised me that she is never making me bridal shower invites. Too funny. One must get married to warrant invites! I think she's safe. Chronic bachelorette over here!

Along with that awesomeness, we watched some 80s flicks. I've had a hankering for 80s flicks and wine. Apparently I have only succumbed to one of those things. It was good to see some Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller and Uncle Buck- "what's another word for balls? NUTS!" Too great. The 80s were definitely where it was at. The 90s were somewhat lame.. Let's be honest.

Tomorrow is brunch with some of the lax team and one of my fav ladies, Mcy. Major shout out. She's almost famous.

Well, pretty lamesauce post, but it is what it is. Oh I enjoyed crutch walking today! I am excited for next week! More physio, more milestones to reach.

Here's some pics to help ya through. A taste of what I have been up to and then a little bit of inspiration. Enjoy!

Friday, 26 April 2013

Another day, another dollar

One might think I made money today judging by the title, but don't worry, I didn't.

It was a pretty awesome day though, not gonna lie. Physio was epic today and there's good news for one and all. My knee had achieved 0 degrees extension and 110 degrees flexion already!!! For peeps in the biz, that means my knee rocks. For those of you confused by this, that means I have been okayed to weightbear and "crutch walk". I can also use the recumbent bike!!! "Crutch walking" is a talent, just saying. This art form means that you walk with two crutches- pretty scientific. I can't actually walk until I get my ACL brace... The knee is still swollen, so being fit for a brace doesn'take sense if it won't fit in 2-3 weeks.

On another note, bridal shower invites are cray. This is what I have been doing for the past 2 days. A friend was over to help last night and tomorrow will be another such day. I have to figure out a classy way to say "just gift cards please". Class is the name of the game. I do wish to drink a bottle of wine while doing this... I was promptly advised that drinking and eating is frowned up while scrapbooking. While I enjoy scrapbooking, if I cannot have my wine, I don't think we can be friends (joke, I really don't drink a lot).

Tonight there was a lacrosse game and evidently my players think its cool to get injured. Jeez. Quit it!!!

I also had the joy of speaking to my good friend G. Via text he assumed that I was getting married. Funny man that he is. When he called to get the scoop and check in, I reminded him that one has to date to get married. He said I had this to look forward to, so I should heal up and get on the prowl. So awesome! If only he knew.

In other news related to men, I have none. The guy I referred to in a previous post, well there has been silence still. Shit happens. He might message, but I'm not going to hold my breath. I've decided that this year is my year. A year to better myself and do things solely for myself. Of course I will still be the best family member and friend, but it's time to do what I want. Keep dialed in, you might miss it.

Ready, Set, Go.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

I really do loathe the term hipster

It's a random title and we will get to it eventually.

It's been a couple days and it looks like I will continue forgetting what day is what.  I had physio again today and it was quite awesome.  I was hooked up to the machine that pierces your muscles and stimulates the deep tissues to promote healing and taking all of the crap away.  Turns out, just as I had expected, I won't be back at work until the week of May 20th...  Frightening concept.  No brace fitting for another couple weeks, evidently my knee is still too swollen and that would be a expensive venture for a brace that will just slide down my leg (kind of like my current brace)....  On another note of physio, I had a duplicate cab driver today.  He knows my name but I stil don't know his- I will refer to him as "cash cab" because of all the crazy light shows he can have in the car.  We talked a lot about hockey.  Turns out he's from Fiji and has family in Australia.  It was pretty neat.  I told him of my plans to go to Australia next March or April.  Cash Cab was very excited for me.  I asked him why he came to Canada instead of Australia like his relies, he didn't answer...  Well, I am sure that I will get him again.  The conversations will continue.

The rest of the day was pretty blahzay.  Yes, that is a word now.  I chilled out, hung out with the dog, watched some tv (boring), caught up with some buddies via text (the stuff dreams are made of), and got to see my cool brother!!!  He brought me a slew of goodies!!!!  Kale, apples, organic carrots.  I am sure he brought me other stuff but I cannot remember.  What a sweet brother.

Tomorrow should be an interesting day.  My friend Boo is picking me up in the morning and we are going to pick up crafty things for her bridal shower invitations.  That's right, she's the bride and she is helping.  It is so messed up, but she wants to help.  The goal is to have them all out on Monday....  It will get done come hell or high water.  Another friend is supposed to be stopping in tomorrow as she is on vacay, but I haven't heard from her and she was in Sechelt earlier this week, so I hope she doesn't fret and she enjoys her vacation.  Vacations are always too few and far between.

I am living a really interesting existence.  Not quite, but we will go with it.  Oh the title...  There's a tv show coming or filming in Vancouver called "The real hipsters of Vancouver"- it is a terrifying concept, even more terrifying are the videos that people did to audition.  Google it if you're bored.  I couldn't even watch any of them the whole way through.  Too many try-hards.  Not hip.  Actually, DO NOT Google it.  I will spare you that atrocity.  Rant of the day obviously.

As for everything else in life.  Things are as good as they can be.  Maintaining a positive attitude.  I have some really amazing people in my life and a lot to be thankful for.  So, here's to that.  I think this weekend I might uncork a bottle of Cupcake Wine cause I am classy like that.  Why not.  They say you only live once, but really my fav is you only die once, you live every day.  So enlightened.

I cannot wait for the future excursions crutchless and way more mobile!!!!

Adios friends.  Catch ya on the flipside!!!

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Physio time

So folks, remember GTL and t-shirt time? Well, it's physio time!!!

Yesterday was the first session with my favourite physiotherapist in the world. Seriously, if you ever need a great physio, let me know- I have ya covered! Anyways, she hooked me up to the "shocker", showed me some patellar tracking stuff and then I got to learn some new exercises. By new, I mean, I already know them, but they're new to my program now. I am so stoked!!! Shockingly my range of motion is good (I figured it would be as the specialist told me to bend it and stretch it to prevent a blood clot).

Next session tomorrow!

Remember I was having qualms about the taxi stuff? Whether to tip or not to tip. Well, I am not tipping. Now the dispatcher guesses it's me when I call... And the drives with the taxis have gotten quite hilarious. Yesterday a guy probably in his late 20s or early 30s picked me up. He asked if I lived there and pointed to the garage. No sir, I don't live in a detached garage. Then he asked if I lived in the "big house". Jeez guy. What do you think? No, I live in the trailer out back with the tarp on it. The remainder of the conversation was interesting. He wanted to know if I owned house (yes, I am a millionaire that has a beaten up VW Cabrio named Marley), what my parents do for work, and what I do for work. I think I managed to convert him from banking at RBC to WSCU- now if that isn't a good employee, I don't know what is. The taxi home was even more amusing. Different gentleman this time, and the cab was tricked out! We're talking black lights, flashing lights, sunroof, the whole 9 yards. He lost points for not turning down the right street, but I forgave him.

It was a pretty productive day. Saw a friend who is moving downtown this weekend, had sushi (how I have missed sushi) and watched a lacrosse game. I am pretty happy that I had the surgery so fast, because I should be walking and getting back to a somewhat normal life by the end of May and that means awesomeness for the summer! And friend is trying to get me to move downtown..... I can't imagine being 29 and finally living in the city.... Maybe my life will be less Girls and more Sex in the City minus all the sex and fabulous handbags. It will probably be more like The Mindy Project- now to just become a doctor.....

Sunday, 21 April 2013

What's a little pain?

Well, it's been one of those days. I had an excellent time with one of my best friends, she gave me a pep talk. We had a treat, enjoyed a fabulous day. Then I got to hang with the guy.

I had big hopes and aspirations for this evening and they fell by the way side. My best intentions generally always do. I concern myself with how the other party is going to be affected with what I do or say. Tonight was no different. I noticed that my friend was not his usual self, so we just hung out as usual. After him dropping me off and my having a mini cry, I put on my big girl pants. I use the term big girl pants loosely because I was still a gigantic dick and sent my feelings and thoughts via text. DICK!

Honestly, who do I think I am? I guess I put myself first. And I did try to reiterate the fact that I couldn't do it via phone or in person because I was concerned about his well-being. Part of it is selfish though. I didn't want him to see me possibly cry. And evidently, he probably would have.

This is just another fresh hell for me. It's my own fault though- I knew what the outcome probably would be. Guess I shall see. I told him to take some time. I know I have ripped the band aid off and I know that sometimes the best way to let a wound heal is with some air.

Funny thing is I don't regret a thing. I had the opportunity to get to know a really amazing man. And who knows what the future holds.

I can always hope. For a little while.

Well, while this blog is about my knee, and my injury, I apologize for bringing that into it. Just another thing for me to cope with alongside everything else. Never a bore in Jenn land.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Might as well do some inane babbling

As you might have guessed, this entry is going to be random.

My days are filled with a copious amount of weird ideas and my trains of thought are terrifying at best- even at the best of times.  While I have been injured it has been accentuated tenfold.  I am not even lying.  I spend my days by myself, sometimes with my brother's dog if she isn't too scared of my crutches.  I have not drawn a thing since being injured and I signed up for Luminosity, but I haven't done much on there.  My days entail: sleeping, watching HGTV (Income Property is my fav- mainly because Scott is hot), listening to music and harassing anyone and I mean anyone who will talk to me.  It sounds depressing, it does, but I am not depressed.  Granted, I would love to be at work and seeing my customers and coworkers, but I guess this fits for now.

One thing I have been thinking about a lot lately is how choked I am with Lena Durham (spelling might not be correct).  Girls is a fantastic show.  I mean really fantastic.  Borderline genius.  Now as you can tell, I am a fan.  My disdain is with the fact that Girls oddly reminds me of my life- now of course, I do not live in NY, I live with my parents, I have a job, and I am no longer in my early 20s.  You might be curious where the similarities occur.  Well let me tell you.  This blog is not really fit for my stories of chagrin or hilarity, so I won't go into detail.  Those details are to be left for my memoirs, my biography, my stand up comedy skits, or well who knows, maybe the stories I tell my children.  Either way it is frightening.  I sometimes wonder if in fact some of my stories would be assumed to be fiction and for all intensive purposes, I would prefer people to think that they in fact are.  Anyways, Lena, good on ya.  Love the show.  I'll one up ya one day.

So, the above was as example of my insane train of thoughts.  I'd be afraid if I were you.

I went on an excursion today.  I like getting out of the house.  I get to go on another one tomorrow.  I get to see my best friend for coffee and a pep talk.  Then I get to see the guy.  The pep talk is directly related to the guy.  I have been seeing someone for a little bit.  I say seeing because him and I have very different ideas as to what is going on.  I have no one but myself to blame for this, but it's time for me to call the shots and lay my cards on the table.  I am assuming he will be calling my bluff and I will get to deal with that for the next while that I am under house arrest.

Good times.  Cool beans.  Fandidlytastic.

Well, enough randomness for one night.  Take care.  Try not to miss me.  I will be back with an update, probably Monday- after PHYSIO!!!!!!  Wish me luck mes amigos!

Thursday, 18 April 2013

What's up doc?

I had the pleasure of seeing my specialist today. 

I was up at the forsaken eary time of 6:30 after being awake til God knows when last night and then waking up with nightmares... 

I did try to go to bed eary at 10pm, but I was sidetracked by thoughts and at 11, I finally gave up and watched "Rules of Engagement".  I was restless last night and I thought that it might be due to the fact that my body is coming off the narcotics- I only had one yesterday.  While I lay in bed, my knee was twitching and so were the surrounding muscles.  Not sure if you have ever had the joy of feeling your body or parts of your body spasm uncontrollably, but let me tell you, when it happens like this- not a good time.  The nightmare was interesting.  I don't remember much of it, but there was someone that I care about deeply in it and I was shouting at them to "f off" (the full version nonetheless).  This insane shouting actually woke me up as I was actually shouting in my sleep.  Comforting.  More comforting is knowing that no one in my household heard me.  Bad news bears.

I managed to shower a little faster than usual this morning, which amuses me, because I am once again starting to feel human.  I then decided that I would enjoy a coffee and wait for the cab to take me to the hospital.  That was a slice.  Something about cab drivers thinking that cause you're not paying for the ride and them taking the "long way around" is odd.  Had this driver attempted this if I were paying, I would have told him off, but I just waited.  It is definitely weird to wonder if you have to tip the driver.  I wondered if I should explain to this guy that I do not have cash.  I decided to just leave it.  I was a cheap person with my Coach purse, yeah pretty sure he didn't think I was cheap, just a jerk.  I had the joy of sitting in the cast clinic with a handsome young man who appeared to have the same procedure as me.  I didn't chat with him because well, it seems peculiar to start up a conversation with a dashing person just for the sake of it.  How would that conversation even begin?  "Nice leg brace.  How you doin'?"  Neither here nor there, instead of chatting with the dashing young man, I got to chat with a lovely couple in their 70s who elected to sit right beside me.  The husband and wife were quite cute with their mannerisms, turns out that he (we will call him Elmar) had had knee surgery due to arthritis and he was not very chatty and seemed to not hear everything that his wife was saying to him.  She talked to me about my knee surgery and then decided to go for a walk and bring Elmar a copy of some roadster magazine.  Well, wouldn't you know, Elmar could hear.  As soon as she left he was talking up a storm about cars and his hobby in the "olden days" of restoring them.  He talked to me about his favourite cars, Barrett-Jackson shows, why he gave it up, gardening, his operations and mine.  Quite a character Elmar was.  I didn't even feel antsy about going into my appointment 45 minutes late, I was thoroughly enjoying myself.  When I was called in, I made sure to wish Elmar and his wife luck and let them know that I enjoyed talking to them.  In all honesty, they were probably the highlight of my day.

Anyways, I am rambling.  The doctor.  My incisions are healing lovely.  Today I get to wash away the dried blood- score!  I, of course had to take a picture of this fiasco and send it to one of my good friends, she did not appreciate this.  He wanted to ensure that I haven't had any discomfort which could be a blood clot, that I start physio next week and to see him in 4 weeks.  He did also give me some nifty pictures of what the inside of my knee looked like pre- and post- surgery.  It is definitely amazing what they can do now.  I will attempt to put them up here.  I can see from the pictures the stumpyness of my old ACL and where it blew off, the rigid tears of my meniscus and of course the comfort of seeing that my cartilage is in tact.  This is all pretty cool stuff.  Be warned, the pictures will most likely be at the bottom, don't look if you don't like gross stuff- it is graphic, I guess.

Well, everything else is going well.  Just playing the waiting game.  Oh and for shits and giggles, let me tell you, I read my horoscope and then the obits this morning...  Random, yes.  If you end up having any idea if I should be tipping the cabbies, let me know.  I am going to become an avid cabbie person over the next few weeks evidently, I might as well ensure that they don't loathe me.  I get to go on a couple outtings in the next two days.  Watch a lacrosse game tomorrow night and see this guy I am interested in on Saturday.  That will be amusing.  And by amusing, I mean that I am nervous.  Completely ridiculous I am. 

I might as well heal everything at once.


Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Been a while

It's been a few days since my last post and I do apologize.  I have been wondering how I could write this daily and not bore you folks to death in the process.  There is really only so much that someone can take in terms of reading about my Pinterest obsession and the likes.

I was going to start physio tomorrow, but after looking at all of my paperwork, I realized I should probably wait until next week like the paperwork says.  I see the specialist on Thursday which will be exciting.  I cannot wait for this process to get going.

On another note, I received my juicer yesterday!!!!  It is so pretty.  And quiet.  My brother was jealous.  I made myself a lovely carrot, lemon and parsley juice today and you might think yuck, but it was delicious.  I made a lovely produce list for my Mom for tomorrow.  She has been so helpful throughout all of this- everyone has really.

My Mom has actually started calling me her "little hermit".  While I can see her concern that I might be becoming a shut in, the fact of the matter is that I am just relaxing.  Starting next week, it's going to become much busier.  I have three physio appointments, lacrosse events and I am going to push the gym thing with Mylee (my physio). 

I am really going to make the most out of this remaining 5 weeks.  I want to ensure that I am preparing my body and my mind for the big changes that have been long awaited for.  I have continuously spent too much of my short life living for the benefit of other people.  I am always concerned about how my actions will affect others and try to do things that have the least discomfort for those involved without a second thought as to how I will feel in the end.  All of my relationships have been like this, whether they be friends, family, or romantic partners.  One thing that I have learned in the past 10 days or so is that I need to start putting me first because if I don't, no one else is going to.  My girl friends have been quite instrumental in this and I cannot thank them enough. 

It is a short one today, coming back from a break, but there are things in the mix and I will definitely keep you posted as to what happens.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Random junk

So, I had been going to the gym with one of my best friends who is getting married in September and one of the other bridesmaids.  I am really sad that I can't go to the gym with them right now, but it is what it is.  As soon as I start physio, I am going to talk to her about going to the gym and maybe using the arm ergometer and hopefully the recumbant bike.  Anyways, my best friend was called yesterday about a policing application that she did.  Her and I talked on the phone about it and she was kind of frightened about the run requirements.  I suggested a trainer.  The said trainer is a dick.  The certified trainer told her that she had to lose 35lbs.  Now let's get something straight.  I have a degree in kinesiology.  I have been a manager at a gym.  I have been a pilates instructor, a weight trainer and have my personal training course.  I let all of this lapse because a- I was overweight and b- the money was not very good in the industry for the quality of life that I would have to give up.  Something about the fitness and health industry is just so backwards where health is determined by how much you weigh.  It's ridiculous.  If you are fit and muscular- you are healthy.  My friend is healthy.  Her specific goal was to discuss her running program.  When I talked to her today, she said that the running program was the last thing on her trainer's list.  I am working on the running program now.

I am home alone today with Kale (my brother's dog that lives with us).  She is laying on my bed, underneath a blanket that she thinks is more useful to her than I.  So cute.  I have the Kodiak ice machine on my knee and it has effectively frozen it.  Already, I have harassed both of my brothers, which well, I know that they love.  I never thought that I was needy, but evidently, I think that people should talk to me (I have definitely not become an introvert).  How dare my family and friends have jobs!

I did end up buying a juicer, I am pretty stoked.  They have not mailed it out yet though.

On another note, I washed my hair yesterday, that was a comedy and a half.  Something about seeing someone hobble to the sink, trying to balance on one leg and washing her hair is amusing.  Thank God no one was home.  I have since decided that these fiascos should probably be attempted when there are people around, in case I clutz out.  And yes, I said clutz out.  For those of you that know me, you get what I am saying.

Anyways, I think that is all for today.  I believe that there are 40 days remaining....  The rest of this week is pretty boring until I go out....  It appears that 3 nights in a row I would be going out.  I do not think that this is wise.  I might stay in on Saturday just to keep my knee at bay.  Be afraid, be very afraid. 

So, bad news bears, today's session is over.  I am off to research running programs, attempt to make food, and heaven knows what else I will attempt to do.  Maybe read some Canadian Securities- pretty enticing eh?

Ciao bella!

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Triathalons are dangerous?

This is probably worse.

What happened?

So, as you knowI had knee surgery on Friday. I am on pain killers, which according to my Google research are a form of opiates. I was initially on Percocet, however I am apparently allergic to that business. Always a plus when you're allergic to thegood stuff.
Sleeping has become rather interesting and the dreams are very vivid. I wake up every few hours and the worst part is when the pain killer has worn off and I have moved onto my knee. I swear a few times in the night. Now, one would think that vivid dreams are awesome, and they are if you're not dreaming about work and car accidents. Funny thing is that over the years some of my dreams have been kind of premonitions- you can roll your eyes now. In all honesty though, if you're going to have crazy dreams, I think we can all agree that you might as well have trippy dreams and not boring and depressing dreams.

Either way, I was going to tell you about the surgery. I found out last month that I was going to have to have a pretty intense surgery. Initially the specialist and my physio and I assumed that myknee issue was just meniscus. The MRI proved otherwise. I had blown my previousACL construction from 13 years ago, along with damage to the medial meniscus. This was going to be a surgery that meant 6 weeks on crutches and my main concern other than work was the fear of another blood clot. I experienced a substantial amount of anxiety and after discussing things with the specialist, I had a good cry in my car. Now for those of you who know me well, I do not cry often. Sure,I might have a tear in a touching movie or a book, and I do cry at funerals,weddings and at the loss of a relationship.  Typical girl stuff.  But something about the realization of another blood clot and the information that I would have to have a donor tendon this time around got to me. As I had already used my hamstring tendon in the first ACL reconstruction, I would now have to have a donor tendon. This donor tendon meant that I would have to be prepared for the possibility of contracting hepatitis or HIV. The odds are 1 in 200,000 or something ludicrous like that. Regardless of the odds and my previous background in statistics, it wasn't something that I wanted to hear. I became relentless in my want to lose weight, it has been something that I have been working on for a while already and so far am down 35 lbs, but I figured if I didn't have to have surgery for a year,I might as well be down the full 100. I was prepared to make this full change.

On Wednesday of last week I received powercalls from my specialist, when I called back, I found out that surgery was Friday.  Two days prior to that she had told me that it was going to be May 24. Clearly I was not going to be down 100lbs for surgery, but I could try for 20. Now with two days notice, I had to figure out work and also the aftermath.

The surgery went well. I had an option of an epidural or being put to sleep. I chose sleep. Now don't get me wrong, I find the entire process fascinating and I am one of those people who love the body exhibit, but something about being present for your own surgery and knowing if there are complications is concerning. Post-surgery, I received a neat file showing what had been done. My ACL was reconstructed with a anterior tibialis tendon, the lateral and medial meniscus was shaved down and there was no degeneration of my other cartilage. There was also a donor card. Basically,when you have surgery now and a donor organ/tissue is used, you have the ability to write a letter to the family of the donor expressing your gratitude and what this means to you. It is a pretty awesome idea. I will definitely be writing to the family. I was a little out of it with the percs and the anaesthesia, and said to my Mom that she has that to look forward to when I die (I am anorgan donor). Both Mom and the nurse gave me a weird look. I will let you figure that one out. And no, I am not suicidal.

So, I am now not only bionic (metal in the ankle), but also have another person in me... It's weird knowing that. I am thankful. I am hoping that rehab is perfect and that the surgery was successful. I want to accomplish something in fitness. My brother told me maybe I should forgo anything with impact. But I really have this desire to train for a triathlon. He will probably laugh at this. But honestly, down the weight, and a brand new tendon.... I should be able to do one.

Monday, 8 April 2013

Amusing myself

I have painted my nails 3 times in 12 hours.  I have also watched Dr Oz and Iyanla Vanzant today.  If you are ever feeling low and wondering about how you can cope with life, I strongly suggest Iyanla Vanzant.  It should be noted that I am not feeling low right now, i just wanted to enlighten you.

Currently, I am watching the Nucks kick some butt and have the Kodiak ice machine on my leg, it feels amazing. 

Surprisingly, I am becoming slightly more introverted, which is not something that I will be taking a liking to.  I imagine that I will read my CSC book, maybe do some drawing, update whomever wishes to read this business, and harass anyone who will listen to me. 

Today was a remotely successgful.  I managed to not gorge on chips and crap and drank coffee and water and ate only dinner.  This is not healthy in the slightest, but it's better than me eating away the boredom.  I have done some research and am contemplating juicing.  Juicing seems like it might be slightly healthy and easy for someone that is hobbling around to do.

I shall keep you posted on this business.

If you have any tasty juice ideas, let me know.  I don't think I like V8 or Clamato, so this might not be a smart endeavour.

On another note, I might actually go out this weekend....  There's a frightening concept.  Out on crutches.

Zombie leg

A little history

Now let's get one thing out of the way right off the bat.  I am not an athlete, I have never been a great athlete.  Ask my brothers.  I am the person who walks and breaks an ankle, this is a true story, it has happened (granted, I was drunk).

I grew up with two younger brothers and was a tom boy.  I hated the fact that I was a girl and thoroughlly detested the fact that I was in t-ball, softball, Brownies and the likes of that.  There's nothing wrong with any of those things, but the fact of the matter was that my brothers did cool stuff- like pee standing up and play lacrosse.  When I decided that I wanted to play lacrosse, my Dad was concerned about his little girl getting hurt, so he said no, I joined Karate.  If I couldn't hit or get hit playing lacrosse, I was going to spar. 

I became infatuated with karate and practiced all the time, I then became obsessed with basketball and thought that I could get a scholarship, so I trained.  I would lay on my back on the floor of my bedroom and practice my shot- ensuring the backspin was there- 200 shots a night.  Form was everything.

My tomboyness followed me into highschool and I dressed like a boy, I will show you pics later...  The tomboyness continued to the point where I participated in intramural sports with my brothers in hockey and soccer.  One day when I was 15 in PE, we were playing quad soccer and I was my usual competitive self.  I chased down a ball and passed it off, my knee was hyper extended and a schoolmate kicked me behind the knee.

I recall it like it was yesterday.  My knee popped.  I went down.  My leg was just hanging there.   I went to the clinic and remember breaking down afterwards in the van on the way home.  I knew then that my attempted sports career was over.  My Mom thought that I was melodramatic.

Little did she know.

Fast forwarding to today.  I have had 4 knee surgeries to date- 2 ACL and 4 have been due to meniscus.  I have also had an ankle surgery from the walking drunk and breaking it.  I have had a blood clot as well.  This should be noted that ALL of this has occurred on my right leg.  My lucky leg.

This blog is about my most recent injury.  I tore my ACL and meniscus back in October coming into work.  I just had surgery on Friday.  I won't go into the details of the work injury or the work-related stuff, because well, it's not important here.  This is more about maintaining some sort of sanity and ensuring that I don't get depressed or eat my feelings- cause God knows I can do that.

6 weeks off of work will prove to be interesting.  I have already had tons of visitors and support.  But as I recall from previous injuries, even this dwindles and that is fine.  People have their own lives and their own things going on.  I am not upset about that.   I know that at the end of the day, I have myself to count on and I am going to be the one getting myself through this injury.

So, there you have it.  A little bit of history.  Quite a consolidated version, but you don't need to know everything.  Yet.