The Italian invasion has left. I didn't get to spend as much time with them as I would have liked, but that's the nature of it. All of the family comes out to see my Nonni when they are in town, and so they should. It just means that I will have to go visit more.
This past week has been one of those weeks. I've been walking, but the pain has shot up, I still don't have the right knee brace, so back to a crutch I go. Have to protect the graft. This process has kind of started to get me down, but then I remember it is what it is. Rehabilitation will be 7 months prior to even running. Yikes. First things first.
Last week marked the 9th year since my Papa's passing. He was a peach. One of the kindest souls I have ever known. They just don't make 'em like him and my Nonno anymore.
Maybe I will become a crazy cat lady (but with dogs). My Nonno kept asking me this weekend when my wedding is. I laughed, he then asked if I like girls- no Nonno, I very much like men. He told me that if I go to church, God will send me a prince- sweet thought, but I don't think that's how it works. Oh Nonno. Just because I'm his only single granddaughter, pushing 29 and living with my parents doesn't mean that I am a failure... On second thought, maybe it's time to move out. Budget time.
Adios and catch ya later. Odds and sods for sure.
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