Thursday, 23 May 2013

Almost there

I'm not fully healed by any means, but I'm happy to say that as of Tuesday, I will be back at work.  That's exciting business.  My first day back will include an interview for a full time position.  Stoked.

I finally got the new knee brace this week and as of yesterday, I have been approved to do squats in my exercises.  Words cannot express my excitement.  Who knew that I would be stoked about squats?!?  Not me, that's for damn sure.

I have come to a lot of realizations since I have been off.  I have re-evaluated what I want in terms of my health- physical and mental, relationships, and my career.  I am not surprised by any of my realizations, I guess it was just time for me to decide to act on them.  So here we go.

The focus for the remainder of 2013 will obviously entail full rehabilitation of my leg, the remainder of my weightloss journey, a push in my career and mainly a  sincere focus on my friends and family.  Looks like a lot, eh?  It is a lot, but at the end of the day, it's all for the betterment of myself.  Kind of selfish, but I'm the one living my life and it is all about me.

42 days injured has turned into something much more.  I shouldn't have titled this "42 days injured"- it should have been called "42 days of healing" or something somewhat deep like that.

It's been a slice.  You'll have to stay tuned for more, this blog is pretty much finished.  I will keep you updated as the rehab continues, but those will just be milestones and reek of excitement and awesomeness.

I think that my next blog will be about the remainder of my weightloss journey.  Got a little ways to go, but I'm driven.  I'm not ending up on a surgery table again, I will not be scared of ever having a blood clot, and I sure as hell am not going to let someone else tell me my future.

Over and out friendos.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Dance dance

I can't actually dance, I chair dance.  

Quite random.  

So, the knee.  Things are looking up.  Saw the specialist yesterday, been okayed to go back to work gradually.  As of the 27th, I will be back 5 days a week at 4 hours a day to build up.  This will go on for 4 weeks.  Pretty exciting business.

My physiotherapist is in Bali now, lucky girl and she won't be happy to know that next week I get to start hammy work.  Apparently I could have been doing hammy work since the start of physio...  Good of the specialist to let us know the protocol he gave us was for an ACL hamstring graft reconstruction.  I probably could have been a lot further along.  C'est la vie.

I went and visited my work yesterday, dropped off the dr note and saw my coworkers.  I've missed them.  I will be back in no time though.

It's a long weekend and usually I would be preparing for a rodeo excursion, but that won't be going down this year.  I'm going to have the pleasure of seeing some amazing people tomorrow and firing up the BBQ.  

Anyways, 42 days injured is drawing to a close.  The rehabilitation part as noted in previous posts will continue.  I can't wait to share my progress.  I have some lofty goals ahead, but I'll get them done.

Talk to ya soon!

Monday, 13 May 2013

Odds and sods

The Italian invasion has left.  I didn't get to spend as much time with them as I would have liked, but that's the nature of it.  All of the family comes out to see my Nonni when they are in town, and so they should.  It just means that I will have to go visit more.

This past week has been one of those weeks.  I've been walking, but the pain has shot up, I still don't have the right knee brace, so back to a crutch I go.  Have to protect the graft.  This process has kind of started to get me down, but then I remember it is what it is.  Rehabilitation will be 7 months prior to even running.  Yikes.  First things first.

Last week marked the 9th year since my Papa's passing.  He was a peach.  One of the kindest souls I have ever known.  They just don't make 'em like him and my Nonno anymore.  

Maybe I will become a crazy cat lady (but with dogs). My Nonno kept asking me this weekend when my wedding is.  I laughed, he then asked if I like girls- no Nonno, I very much like men.  He told me that if I go to church, God will send me a prince- sweet thought, but I don't think that's how it works.  Oh Nonno.  Just because I'm his only single granddaughter, pushing 29 and living with my parents doesn't mean that I am a failure...  On second thought, maybe it's time to move out.  Budget time.

Adios and catch ya later.  Odds and sods for sure.

Thursday, 9 May 2013


It's the invasion of the Italians this weekend.  You cannot even begin to understand how stoked I am.  S T O K E D.  Simple as that.

My Nona and Nono are in town today to celebrate her 80th birthday party with a bunch of Italians who came off the boat the same year as her.  That's what I've heard anyways, it might be slightly different than that.

I love it when I get to see my grandparents.  I used to actually go stay with them for 3-4 weeks in the summer when I was younger.  I don't get up there as much anymore which is really quite sad.  I need to do that.  I have been lucky to know both sets of my grandparents and I thank my lucky stars for that.

Something about spending time with family, reminiscing, hearing about the old days, it really puts things into perspective for someone.

I am looking forward to some good company, good food and good wine.  

Also, I am looking forward to catching the NLL championship game this weekend.  Yep, that's random.

Well, til I see you again.  I'm going to finish getting my hair did and pick up some items for dinner.  Then drink some wine and espresso.  Jealous much?

Ciao bella!

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Living the dream

It's been a glorious few days. I have appreciated the ableness to drive again and have put a substantial amount of miles on the good ol' Cabrio. It is top down weather you know.

Since the last post, I have also started walking. Now this is the bees knees. I have to count my blessings that I have not had to suffer an injury that affects my upper body, other than a broken thumb a time or two (touch wood)- but being unable to walk sucks. Walking currently entails minor tasks, not prolonged in duration, and then a speedy requirement of elevation and icing. Still no work until the week of May 20th.

Physio was painful yesterday, but it is what it is. I have the battle wounds of colourful bruises to prove it. I think my therapist takes great joy in inflicting discomfort, but she is awesome and making me better, so I go with it. Also I have been fitted for my knee brace. I chose a pretty nifty green one, because well it didn't come in black and mauve just ain't my style. I just have to wait for it to be approved. Fingers are crossed that it's a speedy process. Evidently I am going to be wearing this brace for everything for 6 months. What the business. And then 6 or more months after that I get to wear it for physical activity.

This is a sentilating post, isn't it? You wish you were as cool as me.

Oh side bar- B's stagette has been booked!! CAN NOT WAIT! I will be rocking out the emerald knee brace at the beach, winery, and wherever else I see fit. I should probably tell her not to worry about seeing the thing in the wedding pics- I'm nice and will take it off for photos.

It's all a day in the life of me. Read 'em and weep. Catch ya on the b side.

Friday, 3 May 2013

Which of these three don't belong?

Absolutely randomness today. The coolness of the day is described below:

1- approved to drive by my physio. This means that Marley got to rock out with the top down. Also, this means that there is freedom for me now. Excursions will be had.

2- physio was awesome. Said awesomeness at physio was due to swelling being down and being okayed to book my ACL brace fitting.

3- shopping at The Bay and sushi with my broski.

4- booking ACL brace fitting apt and a hair apt.

5- tanning in the sunshine with Kale. Self explanatory.

6- watching a lax game in T-3hours.

7- obviously the Canucks winning tonight's game.

These are some of the reasons today rocked. Don't be jelly.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Inspiration? Nah, just me.

No matter what I have done in my life or will do, I highly doubt that I will be considered an inspiration to anyone.  I don't know if that is a lack of self confidence, humbleness, or just plain idiocy.  All I know is that everyone goes through things in his or her life and some people will look at those trials and tribulations as something amazing and take from it.  Some people might find some things that I am going through to be interesting, but let's not use the word inspiration.

My physiotherapist made a point of asking me if I would speak to one of her clients when she came in on Monday.  I had already had my treatment and was doing my exercises in the gym and my physio brought Tae to see me.  Tae had an ACL surgery a week after me and her progress is substantially different from mine.  Now, we understand that everyone heals different, but Tae seems to be extra cautious and extremely worried about the healing and possibly developing a blood clot.  Now as someone who has had 4 knee surgeries, an ankle surgery and a blood clot, we figured that it might help Tae get some perspective.  I spoke with Tae for probably 5-10 minutes, reiterated the importance of the cryocuff, elevating, doing exercises and not being afraid to move (she lays in bed a majority of the day and feels sorry for herself).  I told her that it is normal for people to experience depression when they go through things like this- God knows I have previously.  Things seemed to sink in a little.  I told her that if she is concerned about a blood clot, to ensure she is acquainted with the symptoms (Google) and have the nurse's hotline around so that she can call and tell them her symptoms and that they can advise her if she should go to emerg.  Today when I saw my physio she asked how the conversation went, I let her know and she thanked me.

The progress that I have made so far has really surprised my therapist, but it is what it is. I made a point of ensuring before surgery that I was in the gym and moving a lot. Pre- and post- surgery I was petrified of developing a blood clot again, so I repeatedly told my surgeon of this concern. He approved me to do light stretching and of course the ABCs to help prevent this. I really do feel that the early movement, coupled with my desire to bounce back fast has been key to the milestones that I have achieved so far. Granted, the milestones don't mean that I will be at work any sooner, due to all of my rehab and specialist appointments and well of course, not pushing myself too hard to the point of re-injury.  As of today, I am down to one crutch. I am in the gym or at physio daily. I just broke 30 minutes on the recumbent bike today, it felt so good, and my RPMs were actually above 50. Last week, it was pushing it to be at 26 RPMs. Slowly but surely, I am getting there. I miss work and my colleagues, but I will be back in 19 days. The time has gone surprisingly fast. Initially, it seemed to drag. But being off the pain meds, I can think more clearly and I actually end up accomplishing something with my days. Thank goodness that I have a high pain tolerance.

While I was doing my exercises today, I couldn't help but notice another patient in the gym with me.  She was probably slightly older than I, and she seemed to be babying her leg, however, her exercises were more difficult than mine and she did not have a brace.  Of course, with my curiousity, I decided to strike up a conversation with her.  She fell at work and tore meniscus and as she said "chipped" her cartilage.  I asked if she had had surgery, she said not yet, that she was waiting for her MRI results.  I couldn't believe her disdain for her exercises and the sass that she was giving the kinesiologist.  I guess some people just don't push through it and play the victim.  Rehabilitation is really no different than any other fork in the road, you can take either path and they will get you to where you need to be, but it's a matter of how you want to experience the journey.  You can be negative and whine and feel sorry for yourself or you can suck it up and say, this is what needs to be done and I am going to do it.  I have chosen the latter.  I don't want to feel sorry for myself and I, for damn sure, want to do everything in my power to prevent this from ever happening again.  Some poor sap might find that inspirational, but really, let's face it, it's just common sense.