Wednesday, 1 October 2014

My next 30 years...

In 59 minutes I enter a new decade of my life.  In 59 minutes I am 30 years old.

In my early 20s, I placed a lot of stock on thinking about my future and why it wasn't here yet.  I would question when I would get married, when I would have kids, when I would move out.  I wasted a lot of time on "when".

Now I could give two flying shits.

I have accomplished a lot in my first 30 years.  Yes, I have made mistakes, but who hasn't?  I've looked for love, I've been heartbroken, I've worked crappy jobs for crappy pay, I've drank too much, sworn too much and indulged too much. All of these things made my 20s.  

I know that no matter what I will be successful.  My parents instilled in me a spirit to achieve, to be a hard worker and to look after my family and myself.  I have amazing friends and an amazing family.  I can't even begin to say how grateful I am.

I'm not scared of turning 30.  I'm quite excited to enter a new chapter of my life and this time I'm not asking "when" questions.  I'm making now goals.

For my 30s, I have made a to do list.  The items are in no particular order and trust me, I know some are time sensitive.  

To do:
- go to Australia
- learn to hunt
- go to Italy
- go bungee jumping
- go zip lining in Vegas and Whistler
- go fishing with my Dad
- learn how to make wine with my Dad and Nono
- drive across Canada
- live somewhere other than BC
- run a 10K

My next decade.  Some of them will be done in my first 5 years.  No more "when".  It's time to "do".

I'm not going to lie.  I'm most likely going to still drink too much from time to time, fall in love and keep breaking my heart, and swear a little more than a lady should.

In 50 minutes, I will be 30.  Goodbye 20s, it's been a slice.  Thanks for the memories, they were some of the best.  I'm making it out without too many battle scars.  Here's to my next 30 years.